About BOO

Brand Story

BOO 品牌成立於 2022年。由設計師Baowen Chen所創立。BOO這單詞擁有正反兩面性,代表著品牌對於這個世界、這個社會的兩面闡述,快樂、悲傷、憤怒、喜悅等議題與情感的探討,都將會由品牌的世界觀進行表達,呈現在系列作品中。品牌logo中的兩個點點同時也代表冒號,因為BOO就像是設計師闡述意識與觀點的日記本,每一季作品都藏有想說的話,冒號是訴說話語的起始點,抑或是在探索這世界中,等待的一個回覆的過程。

Bao Wen Chen

Creative Director

陳葆汶自實踐大學服裝設計系畢業後,想要自創品牌的夢想4年來未曾停歇,「BOO 這個品牌就像我的日記本,將生活中的體悟轉化為文字,文字轉化為圖樣,而在這過程中試圖理解出事件所帶給我的人生挑戰。把這些情緒與感受記錄下來,再轉換成創作題材,而這服裝創作的過程對我來說就是一種自我療癒。是表達我情緒的一個媒介。」SS23是她自創品牌Boo的第一個系列,以「序」為名自我介紹,引領大家進入BOO 的世界。

For four years, Chen, Bao-Wen, has dreamed of establishing a fashion brand after graduating from the Department of Fashion Design at Shih Chien University.

“ For me, BOO is like a diary, transcribing my life’s insights into words, and words into pictures, and in the process, trying to understand the challenges of life. I find self-healing in recording these emotions and feelings and transforming them into creative subjects. My emotions are expressed through it.”

The SS23 collection is the first under her own label, BOO, which is introduced as ‘Preface’.

I am using this collection to explore my inner self and dissect my understanding of love and who I am.
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